10 Things To Keep In Mind On A Wedding Day

I am sure if you are reading this the the big day is coming up. Maybe even a little faster than you expected and you want to be fully prepared for the day ahead. Wanting to make sure everything goes perfectly and to make sure you aren’t going to forget anything.

I know for a fact that the day will come by, create lasting memories and cherished moments between you, your partner and everyone who will be there to celebrate the special day. This list is just a small list of things to keep in mind on your wedding day and will make things that little bit easier for you to relax and enjoy the day.

1) Put someone in charge of crisis

Sometimes the unexpected happens. Sometimes things go wrong and it can lead to a very stressful time before you say those magic words “I do”. Having someone you can count on to handle anything that pops up will help you relax and focus on getting ready.

Somethings to keep in mind would be to make sure you have a list of special contacts ready for that person, or people, so they can efficiently and easily take care of any incidents that can happen. Having a list of phone numbers for the Photographer, or the baker of the cake, or the event coordinator for example can allow them to make the calls quickly to get the right people on the job as fast as possible.

This is the first thing as a wedding photographer that I can recommend. Things can go wrong, and if they do, then you want to make sure it will be as stress free as possible.

2) Have your “Wedding Boxes” ready

A wedding box is just a collection of things you will need on your wedding day. A box for your jewelry, the supplies you will need for the ceremony, an overnight bag for the hotel.

Having these set aside in bins, boxes or bags the day before or even week before will make it easy to transport, easy to keep track of and best of all will keep everything you need in one place so that you can stay organized and ultimately have less stress over “if you’ve packed everything you need”.

After making these wedding boxes make sure you double check everything needed and potentially bring a few spares of things that can be easily broken or misplaced. Always better to be prepared.

3) Bring a second pair of shoes

While you want to look your best when walking down the isle, the shoes you wear can be extremely uncomfortable if you wear them for the rest of the day. I suggest bringing your most comfortable kicks along for the day to relieve some of that pain that can come from wearing those hard soled shoes you were wearing during the ceremony. Having a nice comfortable pair for both you and your partner will save your feet from being sore the rest of the night, and allow you to keep dancing until the last song stops.

I have worked with many clients, all have been thankful they had a spare pair of shoes. Usually right after the ceremony and right after the group portraits I have them put them on. Mainly because for the couples portraits we walk around the area a little more than when we have the family shots. We then put the “wedding shoes” back on for the shots then take them off to save the foot ache. It may take an extra few seconds, but you will be thankful you brought a comfy pair later on.

4) Have and emergency kit ready

Just like having a person to handle the crisis that could pop up, having an emergency kit is a very important thing. Emergency kits can help stop an emergency before it even become a BIG emergency. From threat the same colour of your dress, to spare buttons for dress shirts and all the way to a spare tube of lipstick for the day, this small kit of little things can make a huge impact if needed. Other things to keep in an emergency kit are bandages, some spare bottles of water, some medication if needed, as well as a list of phone numbers for any vendors or emergency contacts if needed.

Even if the emergency kit is never needed during your day, it comes with an extra added bonus. Having it prepared will keep your mind clear and focused on your day because if something will come up during the day you will have the tools to fix it.

5) Prepare and bring a shot list

Even though you have planned everything, know everyone who will be there. You know every shot you want for the wedding. Who will be in them, who will be in certain groupings, and even who will be sitting at certain tables, the photography most likely will not know who you want in grouping unless you have prepared a shot list for them.

A shot list for a photographer is very important. It will allow the photographer to work their best during the day and capture moments of everything you not only want, but even the unexpected moments happening with the people you love around you.

When I work with clients I always suggest a mood board (which I will get into in a future post) and a shot list. A shot list will let me know who needs to be in certain groupings, what shots the couple wants and how many shots I need to take at a minimum during the group shots. Once I know how many shots I need during that time it makes the process of posing, organizing and taking the photos much simpler.

6) Drink plenty of water

This one is split into two parts. 1) Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and 2) Know where the washrooms are.

Drinking a lot of water on the day has many benefits. It keeps you hydrated, feeling refreshed, and best of all keeps you from fainting while up on the alter. During the summer time the days can get hot, some venues have air-conditioning, but having all that stress, tension and everything else building up can still make you faint if you are dehydrated.

The downside to drinking a lot of water is… well having to go to the bathroom more often. Knowing where they are can save you from a major mishap. Whether you are at the venue, out for the couples portraits or back at your hotel/home you will be thankful you know where to go when you need to go.

7) Bring some snacks

Just like in #6, bringing some snacks or food can make all the difference. Having a snack or even some food can help keep you energized and going through out this long day. A lot of people forget that after breakfast you may not get another meal until later in the day during the reception. It is very important to keep you not only looking your best, but feeling your best.

Many weddings I have shot usually have finger foods that aren’t going to cause a mess, like a charcuterie board, some fruits and veggies or even small finger sandwiches to tie you over until the ceremony begins. After the ceremony, during the photo sessions some water and fruit usually come back out to make an appearance to keep you energized until finally the meal at the reception.

8) Write your partner a letter

This may seem like something of the past, or even something that may be dumb to some people, but writing a note to your partner on their big day can make the day that much more special. Both of you have worked hard to get here. Possibly some sleepless nights, stressful days. Both wanting everything to go perfectly. Sometimes a note or letter is enough to put the biggest smile on their face and start the big day off right.

Some couples decide to spend the night before separated, or even in a different hotel or location all together. This note can be your way of telling them all the amazing feelings you have for them, wishing them a good morning, or even just getting to say things to them that will speak to them and stick with them forever.

It is a nice simple gesture that will make their day so much better.

9) Have the payments ready

Most vendors will usually come with a contract, payments methods and a way of doing business that makes things really easy for their clients. Some however prefer to be paid cash on day of. This can complicate things because sometimes you don’t want cash floating around.

My suggestion is collecting the money you need, putting it into an envelope and labeling them with the merchants name or business name on the front. Having these put into a “wedding box” may help you keep them organized as well and help you to remember to bring them with you.

10) Getting an upgrade

If you booked a hotel for your big day, it will never hurt to make friends with the front of house staff. Sometimes on the day you can ask them to check if there are better rooms available, or even they may be able to give you a discount on what you currently have. The hotel staff also works very hard in keeping your day special so please be respectful and thankful to the staff and just remember it never hurts to ask.

If you found anything helpful here please don’t forget to come back. I will be releasing a helpful blog monthly to help out anyone looking for any tips about how to navigate their wedding day. If you enjoyed that please visit my portfolio page.


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